757 Nichols Ave.
Fairhope, Alabama 36532
Phone/Fax Numbers
Normal Business Hours 8 AM - 4:30 PM CDT Monday through Friday
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Since Marine Exhaust cannot exercise any control over the installation and application of its products, under no circumstances will Marine Exhaust be liable for any incidental or consequential damages. One year limited warranty on any new product manufactured by Marine Exhaust. No warranty of any nature on repair of used product whether manufactured by Marine Exhaust or not. Marine Exhaust Systems of Alabama, Inc. Marine Exhaust warrants their manufactured product against defects in workmanship and material for one calendar year from date of shipment to the original buyer to the extent that Marine Exhaust will, at its option, replace or repair the product which in the judgment of Marine Exhaust has a defect, provided that the written notice of such defect is received by Marine Exhaust at the address above within one calendar year from the date of shipment to the original buyer. The product shall then be returned at the buyer expense to Marine Exhaust at the address above. Marine Exhaust shall not be liable for any cost of removal or reinstallation, and this warranty shall not apply if the product has been misused, abused, altered, neglected, subject to electrolysis or galvanic action, improperly installed, or if repair work by anyone other than Marine Exhaust was performed. This warranty does not extend to Marine Exhaust products used in racing or military applications. The buyer's sole and exclusive remedy and the limit of Marine Exhaust's liability for any loss whatsoever, shall not exceed the purchase price paid by the buyer for the product to which the claim is made. Marine Exhaust reserves the right to improve its products through changes in design or materials without the obligation to incorporate such changes in products of prior manufacture and to make changes at any time in design or materials without obligation or liability to owners of products of prior manufacture. Except as set forth in this Marine Exhaust warranty policy statement as applying to products sold by Marine Exhaust, Marine Exhaust makes no warranty express or implied, with respect to the products, Including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
3. Price: Unless otherwise noted, all prices are in U.S. dollars, F.O.B. Fairhope, Alabama. No amount is included in any price for sales, use, privilege, excise or other taxes imposed on or measured by the gross receipts from the sale of product. BUYER shall promptly pay any such charges directly to the governmental authority assessing them or reimburse on demand any such charges paid by MARINE EXHAUST. All prices for products are subject to change without notice, prior sale and availability, on terms acceptable to MARINE EXHAUST.
4. In addition to the purchase price, BUYER agrees to pay MARINE EXHAUST any cost incurred as a result of: (A) changes in the products or delays in delivery requested by BUYER; (B) delays in delivery because the BUYER failed to provide requested information; (C) changes in the laws and rules or regulations that apply to the products after the date of quotation.
5. Payments: All payments shall be in U.S. dollars without offset, bank charge, retention or withholding of any kind. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all invoices are immediately due and payable upon delivery of products.
6. Collections:Should it become necessary to place BUYERS account for collection, suit or other legal proceeding, the BUYER agrees to pay all cost and expenses of collection, suit or other legal action, including reasonable attorney's fee and, if necessary, appellate fee.
7. Shipment: Catalog prices do not include crating or shipping cost. Freight charges included in any price are subject to adjustment for actual cost incurred by MARINE EXHAUST. In the event products are shipped outside the continental limits of the United States, all expenses and fees relating to the export documentation, export packing, marking and importation into the country designated shall be the sole responsibility of the BUYER.
8. Payment Terms: Upon approval- NET30 days from invoice date. A time price differential of 1-1/2% per month will be charged on accounts more than thirty (30) days past due. The time price differential is an annual percentage of 18%.
9. Delivery: Any delivery date are estimates only and are subject to change based on, but not limited to, production scheduling and availability of materials.. MARINE EXHAUST will make every effort to meet any promised delivery date, except as noted.
10. Delays: MARINE EXHAUST shall have no liability for any failure to deliver any products.
11. Changes: MARINE EXHAUST reserves the right to change the details of any products provided that such changes shall not impair the performance or critical dimensions of such products. MARINE EXHAUST shall have no liability for any change(s) requested by OWNER.
12. Acceptance: Products shall be inspected upon receipt. Failure of BUYER to notify MARINE EXHAUST of any defects within thirty days or to permit MARINE EXHAUST a reasonable opportunity to correct any defect shall constitute acceptance of the product.
13. Interpretation: BUYER agrees that any sale of or agreement to sell products will be deemed to be made and performed solely in Baldwin County, Alabama, to the exclusion of all other jurisdictions. Any sale of or agreement to sell products shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State of Alabama, except any provision thereof that would direct the application of the laws of another jurisdiction.
14. Limitation of liability: Neither MARINE EXHAUST nor BUYER shall have any liablility to the other for any incidental or consequential damage arising from the sale or use of any products or the failure of either party to fully perform any agreement to sell products. With respect to products not manufactured by MARINE EXHAUST, no representation or warranties of whatsoever nature, directly or indirectly, expressed or implied including but not limited to any representations or warranties with respect to suitablility, durability, fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability. Except to the extent that MARINE EXHAUST can enforce warranties provided by the manufacturers of such parts.
15. Waiver: TThe failure to enforce any provision of the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision. The waiver by either MARINE EXHAUST or BUYER of any breach under these GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of a like or different nature.
"Given the original part or a detailed drawing We
can quote you a price on almost any part. We build from only the best materials.
For example, the inside liners in all of our risers are Inconel 625. Inconel
625 is normally used in aerospace manufacturing and cryogenic applications,
due to its strong resistance to sulfuric acid and corrosion. Inconel does
not rust or corrode in any way under any circumstance and it's ability
to withstand the formation of sulfuric acid. (When salt water combines
with exhaust, sulfuric acid forms and eats a riser from inside out, while
not damaging the outside jacket leaving the owner unaware of the internal
leakage). For the water jacket we use Stainless Steel 316L, the marine
industry standard. If you have any question regarding the material
we use or if you are interested in getting a quote, please give us a call."
Mark Coulson
Mechanical Engineer
That being said, we have used a variety of companies such as
UPS, FedEX, DHL, Pilot, BAX-aka Schenker, Kamino, Stevens, Quick, Emery/Menlo,
US Mail, Saia, AAA Cooper, American/Fed Ex Freight, Estes, Central Freight, Central Transportation,
Unishippers, Acme, Watkins, Gator, (possibly R&L), ABF, Con-Way, Overnite, Old Dominion,
Averitt, Panalpina, Dockside Services, USF Holland, USF Dugan, Southeastern Freight,
Service Transport, Wilson, Viking, JAS, Roadway, Reddaway (interlined) and Yellow that
I can think of off hand. If you have an account with someone please let us know.
If you would like to ship via some other company, let us know and we will see what we can do.
We are diligent in our efforts to receive the best discounts and service possible.
When you specify Bestway, be assured your parts will be shipped the very best way possible.
If you need your part hot shotted we have a couple companies we can use for that also.
If your part is approx. 70# or less and not too ackward it can be shipped
via UPS. UPS picks up every day at 3:30 PM central standard. If we have your
part in stock, the order would need to be placed before 1:30 PM central
standard to ship it the day the order is placed.
Below is a standard UPS ground transit time map from our location.
The shipping department did not want me to put this map online, as it may not always be accurate.
Please keep this in mind and refer to this only as a reference of the usual/best guess transit times
for UPS regular ground.
If you would like to use FedEx, we do not have a daily pick up so allow for an extra day just to get them over here to pick up plus it'll probabaly cost a little more.
Here are their regular-best guess-transit times
If your part requires motor freight, it is more convenient for us to pick the trucking company. If you must use a specific truckline please be aware it may delay your shipment by one to two days as we schedule a pick up.
All shipping freight collect FOB Fairhope, AL 36532. If you would like
shipping billed to a shipping company with whom you have terms, please
supply your account number and we will do our part to arrange third party billing.
Mark Coulson
Mark Coulson
GM-Sales/Mechanical Engineer
Sales, Purchasing, Advertising, Marketing, R&D and Technical-Any questions on anything-give me a call.
Karen C. Simmons
Ray Hartzog
HR, Logistics
AP, Shipping, etc...
Lauri Childress
Shop Foreman
If all cost are covered, you retain propriety over the design, i.e. when someone wants to buy the kit they can only buy it through you, and in turn you would purchase the kit through us at the initial quoted price. We have marinized engines for various companies, individuals, independent small businesses, and not mention propriety marinization kits and parts for the original engine manufacturers including Caterpillar, Cummins, Isotta Fraschini, Hercules, and Daewoo.
We recently designed Marinization Kits for the International 530E/Series 40, John Deere 6081,
Hercules LDT 465, Daewoo DC24, DB33 and DB58, Ford BSD 666T, the Detroit Series 60 11.1.
We are currently in the process of obtaining a Perkins 6.354.4 range four engine in house in order to redesign the marinization kit.
We have completed numerous kits in the past, if interested in marinizing an engine please give Mark
a call.
"We will need an engine for approximately two months."
Mufflers-inline, side in/top out, and other models from 1 1/2" to 18" OD inlet and outlets.
Fan and Belt Guards
Pipe, Tubing, Hose, etc...
Mark Coulson
Sales, Technical, Design, R&D, Advertising, Marketing, Network Administrator, Webmaster, etc...
Mailing Address
757 Nichols Ave
Fairhope, AL 36532
Shipping Address
757 Nichols Ave.
Fairhope, AL 36532
E-mail address
I get a ton of substantive e-mails a day, please be patient. If you need
a response quickly, please call.
I forward most of the office e-mail to my house so that I have time to
Web address uhhh, you're here :)
Office phone
Cell phone
1-251-six three one-zero three three eight. Please only call me at
home in extreme emergencies as my wife does not share my love for my work. I will post a cell phone number as soon as I am man enough. (What can I say-I'm a kept man...)
FAX number
Instant Messaging
Skype -> thecoulsonfamily
Gmail ->marine.exhaust@gmail.com
2014 Team pastaw/jamsauceLovesBusyBees
2015 Team IronicEyedRuckyy
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Web Site last revised: Mar 4th, 2025, WOW..2025...
HR4872 Who is John Galt?
This web site created and maintained by Mark
I spend alot of time on this so let me know what you think, good or bad. Really!