It is company policy to pallet all known export shipments on ISPM-15 approved pallets, regardless of IPPC affiliation/participation.
Unless otherwise directed, Orders will be palleted using non ISPM-15 approved wood for continental US shipments.
Please inform us if your order is for import/export, in which case we will pallet using approved WPM.
Please Note: We will charge $30.00 per pallet used
WARNING!! Please be sure to use proper WPM when shipping parts to us.
Customs will only pass ISPM-15 approved pallets.
If incorrect, the import will be rejected and reexported at your expense (nice huh?)
ISPM-15 Requirements
Compliance with ISPM-15 for wood packaging materials allows for two treatment options:
Heat Treatment (HT):
Wood packaging material should be heated in a schedule that achieves a minimum core temperature of 56ºC for a minimum of 30 minutes. The American Lumber Standards Committee administers the U.S. certification program for heat treatment.
Methyl Bromide (MB) Fumigation:
The wood packaging material should be fumigated with methyl bromide. NWPCA has been tasked by the U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to administer the fumigation program.